Thursday, November 14, 2013

Senior Profile: Victoria!

1. Major/ area of interest

 Environmental Science and Policy major and Marine Science Minor

2. What do you think is the most exciting part of Cross Country? 
For me, the part of this sport that I find most exciting is breaking times and distances. There's nothing more satisfying than finishing a run or crossing a finish line and thinking, "I just pushed myself harder than I ever have before. I've never been this strong. I just did something I've never done before." When I'm not in a competitive mode though, what I find most exciting about running cross country is just the things you see and encounter and the feeling that gives you. Finding yourself alone in the middle of the woods or somewhere hidden miles from home, and knowing that you carried yourself there. Sometimes it feels like you ran into a fairy world and back out, some place no one else knows or understands. 

3. What is your best running moment?
My best running moments have generally been in races, when I can specifically remember deciding that I wanted to pass a pack of girls toward the end, or thinking about the "ghosts of those who came before me" on certain courses. But one of my favorite moments was when I was running alone on the beach in South Carolina summer of 2012. It was sunset so of course it was beautiful and a pod of dolphins came right by where I was running and one was no more than 3 meters from me, because the water dropped off very suddenly at that specific spot near the marshes. After following them along the beach for an hour I finally ran back to my car and started crying from sheer joy and amazement. It was incredibly moving. 

4. What is your favorite thing to do in Northampton?
Going out to eat is definitely one of my favorite things to do in Northampton since there are so many good restaurants. Going downtown to GoBerry with the XC team is a favorite. 

5. How does it feel to be a senior at Smith ! 
I'm excited to be a senior at Smith for many, probably somewhat obvious reasons. Graduation and the rest of my life are close at hand, and it makes all the moments I spend with the women I love even more special. There are also many tradition in my own house that come with being a senior, Medieval Banquet and Senior Banquet for example. The first is one where we all dress up in Medieval garb and have a banquet where we're entertained by "jesters." The second is where we all gather to reflect on some special and comical moments over the past four years. These are exciting events I'm looking forward to, and then of course Senior Week and Graduation which are all conducted so beautifully here at Smith. 

6. What is your favorite thing/story about the team?
One of my favorite stories about the team is the time we were running downtown on our way out of town. We had to stop and wait for the crosswalk at the intersection by Florence Savings Bank, and a guy standing nearby shouted out, "Hey! Are you guys like a gang or something?" And we said, "No, we're Smith's Cross Country team." To which the man said something like, "Oh right! I heard you guys were in town!" That phrase ended up on our shirt that year, "I heard you guys were in town!" We died laughing and kept on running. 

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